sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

How To Install openCV on a BeagleBoard-XM with Angstrom OS

First of all, to introduce yourself in this topic (opencv on beagleboard with angstrom), you should read at this page  http://guillaume.segu.in/blog/hackens/337/getting-started-with-your-brand-new-beagleboard-xm/, but read it, just for information purpose only, due to, it summarize a couple weeks of reading about this topic.

Now you have some knowledge, follow the next steps.

  1. Go to the page (http://treyweaver.blogspot.com/2010/10/installing-angstrom-on-beagleboard-xm.html) and follow the first steps. Just the steps before the title “Generating a build”.
  2. When you get to that title, don’t continue on that page, is better if you continue on this page (http://groups.google.com/group/beagleboard/browse_thread/thread/1ec0c6585a2141c8/19e6ac4bbdd4647f?show_docid=19e6ac4bbdd4647f) and follow the first 4 steps. 
  3. After that, go back to the first page (http://treyweaver.blogspot.com/2010/10/installing-angstrom-on-beagleboard-xm.html), and continue on the title “Setup the boot partition”, and follow all the steps until the end. 
  4. The last proceeding. Set up the angstrom in to the sdCard. To configure the boot, go to this page (http://guillaume.segu.in/blog/hackens/337/getting-started-with-your-brand-new-beagleboard-xm/), and seek the paragraph that starts with this sentence “Next, when looking at other howtos, ignore all the bits about pressing the USER button”, this paragraph is very important due to, explains how to create the boot.src file (this part is difficult to find, due to, almost everyone assumes that you know how to do it). Henceforth, you can follow this page until the end.

Following the last proceeding, you should have your BeableBoard-XM ready with Angstrom OS and openCV library. Enjoy creating computer vision algorithms, but keep in mind that your codes should be conceive with low cost of processing. Remember that BeagleBoard-XM is a very powerful tool, but is limited compared with a powerful PC.

I hope your find this information useful.


3 comentarios:

  1. Hola Jorge soy Colombiano y soy nuevo con la BeagleBoard-xM y necesito con urgencia el OpenCV en mi tarjeta y no se si la que me entregaron lo trae.
    Quisiera preguntarte: No me podrías pasar el archivo boot.src que tu creaste?
    Mi correo es carlosdpimenteld@gmail.com

  2. Se me olvidaba Jorge:
    Primero: EXCELETE BLOG! Muy útil.
    Segundo: ¿Cómo hago para saber si mi BegleBoard-xM tien instalado un paquete de OpenCV?

    Gracias nuevamente!

  3. Hello Jorge,

    I wanted to know if beagleboard supports C++ interfaces too ? This is because in the OpenCV tutorial documentation , it is said that "the main downside of the C++ interface is that many embedded development systems at the moment
    support only C."

